A tiny and simple WWI flight combat game. Features heightfield terrain, overgrowth, realistic flight physics but arcadish touch. To be played over network, with AI controlled bots filling up empty player slots.
Bots can taxi, and take off on their own! These lads also don't mind queueing until the runway is clear. When out of ammo, they will try to ram you out of the sky! Also, overly dramatic death spins. Bomb detonations cause shockwaves that affect aerodynamics. Animated control surfaces!
The title is actually a bit of a pun, since this was the first OpenGL ES project I coded. Specifically developed for the Raspberry Pi, currently on hold until I figure out a good workflow to create terrains and how to best implement damage model.
Aircraft is a fully armed British Sopwith Camel, minus some markings (WIP).